Re: W3C RSP community Group phone call

Nice to hear from you all.

For the phone call logistics, I have been notified by W3C that we cannot
use their telecon system (In general Community Groups do not have access to
it). So we will have to use something else.
Any suggestions? If any of you has access to a telecon system we can use,
we will really appreciate it.

Otherwise there is skype.
If there is no better alternative my id is jean.paul.ik
You can add me and we get it done that way.


PS: if you know anyone who is not in the RSP list nor this mail thread and
you think she should be, feel free to forward it or let me know.

2013/9/2 Daniele Dell'Aglio <>

> Hi all,
> my name is Daniele Dell'Aglio. I am a PhD student in the DB group at
> Politecnico di Milano, under the supervisor of Emanuele Della Valle. During
> my PhD I will work on the RDF stream processing topic (in particular on
> stream processing). Nowadays there are several existing systems (and others
> are under development), but they lacks of standards and consequenlty, at
> the moment there are different limitations (even very "simple", such as the
> data exchange between two RDF stream processors).
> I am really happy to have the opportunity to participate to the activities
> of this group and I'm looking forward to hearing from you the next week :)
> Daniele
> 2013/8/28 James Smith <>
>> On Aug 23, 2013, at 6:49 PM, Jean-Paul <> wrote:
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > After receiving your availability data the most suitable datetime for
>> the phone call is: Wed 11 Sept, 15:00 CEST.
>> I should be able to make the call, though I might be a few minutes late
>> depending on traffic getting to the office.
>> > PS: By the way we can already start presenting ourselves:
>> I'm James (Jim) Smith. I'm the software architect for the Maryland
>> Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH -
>> at the University of Maryland, College Park. I'm participating as an
>> individual and not as a representative of my employer. RDF and RDF
>> streaming are part of my research interests independent of the projects at
>> MITH. I am participating in a similar arrangement with the W3C Open
>> Annotation Community Group.
>> At a large scale, the semantic web is an alternative to the classic von
>> Neumann architecture. Instead of having a strict separation of processing
>> from memory with a limited pipe between them (though I know that modern
>> computers aren't quite pure in this regard), the web allows processing and
>> memory to be "smeared" out over a large number of loosely coupled
>> components. RDF is a way to structure that memory, URIs are a way to
>> address that memory, and stream-based processing is a way to compute on
>> that memory. I'm interested in creating or finding tools that make the use
>> of this semantic web machine as easy and transparent as doing computation
>> on a local machine or cluster.
>> -- Jim

Jean-Paul Calbimonte
Ontology Engineering Group
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 16:26:27 UTC