Re: some suggestions on organizing Telcos

Thanks a lot Axel, and Deri,

Yes, we had a lot more trouble today. I am happy to follow these
suggestions, so we can improve and avoid the troubles we had.

Sorry again to all,

2013/11/22 Manfred Hauswirth <>

> :-)
> On 22/11/2013 15:25, Axel Polleres wrote:
>> This said, still huge thanks of course to DERI to provide facilities to
>> call over webex! appreciated!
>> Axel
>> On Nov 22, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Axel Polleres <> wrote:
>>  Dear all,
>>> while I learnt today that we can't use W3C's infrastructure for our
>>> phone calls, I'd still suggest to base on their best practices for
>>> making it easier to follow the phone calls:
>>> 1) have an assigned scribe per Telco (disjoint from the chair, who
>>> should moderate and keep the speaker queue),
>>> 2) assign scribelist before meetings, to be sure that scribe knows
>>> beforehand and is preparded to scribe
>>> 3) have a speaker queue (miantained by the chair)
>>> 4) use W3C notetaking style in the chat… e.g. for assigning actions,
>>> noting who said what, etc.
>>> 5) ...use a (W3C) IRC chat channel, I think IRC is more convenient than
>>> the Webex chat. Maybe - to be checked with W3C team - we could et least use
>>> their note-generation tools, even if we are not allowed to use all their
>>> bot and Telco facilities like Zakim)
>>> 6) the W3C members among us (WU will join in Jan) could maybe try to
>>> lobby for community groups to be allowed to use some of the facilities that
>>> don't cause them team resources
>>> best,
>>> Axel

Jean-Paul Calbimonte
Ontology Engineering Group
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Received on Friday, 22 November 2013 15:36:05 UTC