Re: CORE: nascent issues list

Dave Reynolds wrote:

> What other issues have I missed?

6. Relationship to PRD

How literally do we mean "CORE is the intersection of PRD and BLD"?

One approach would be to make CORE a subset of BLD such that a CORE 
ruleset would be a legal BLD ruleset but would also be implementable by 
means of a typical production rule engine.

An extension of that would be to provide a syntactic mapping from CORE 
to PRD which preserves ground entailments. That way any PRD conformant 
system could implement CORE by implementing that syntactic transformation.

Another approach would be to modify the syntax of PRD so that a CORE 
ruleset could be both a legal BLD ruleset and legal PRD ruleset.

[My working assumption has been that we would take the middle approach - 
a syntactic transform to show the relationship between CORE and PRD but 
that might not right.]

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Received on Sunday, 17 August 2008 09:46:46 UTC