Special Int. Event "Reaction RuleML" at ISWC'06

----- Special Int. Late-Breaking News Event ---------





       =            Reaction RuleML        =







                Nov. 9th 17.30 - 18.30


            (after ISWC'06 closing ceremony)





        Georgia Center for Continuing Education



                 Room A (second floor)


                    Athens, Georgia





The Georgia Center is the venue of the ISWC'06 (
http://iswc2006.semanticweb.org/). It is about two miles away from the
Classics Center, the location of RuleML / OWLED 2006.



Reaction RuleML is a general, practical, compact and user-friendly
XML-serialized language for the family of reaction rules. It
incorporates different kinds of production, action, reaction, and KR
temporal/event/action logic rules into the native RuleML syntax using a
system of step-wise extensions. In particular, the approach covers
different kinds of reaction rules from various domains such as
active-database ECA rules and triggers, forward-directed production
rules, backward-reasoning temporal-KR event/action logics, event
notification & messaging and active update, transition, process and
transaction logics.




We are looking forward to seeing you in Athens.



Alexander Kozlenkov and Adrian Paschke


(on behalf of the Reaction RuleML Technical Group)



Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2006 09:45:26 UTC