Eye RIF-DTB test results

in addition to 
now covering 126 from the 131 builtins in 
running 220 tests via
eye --nope --plugin 
http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2007/07test/rifP.n3 --query 

#Processed by $Id: euler.yap 3147 2009-10-24 11:56:00Z josd $

@prefix func: <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>.
@prefix pred: <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>.
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
@prefix e: <http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2003/03swap/log-rules#>.
@prefix : <http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2007/07test#>.
@prefix var: <http://localhost/var#>.
@prefix r: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/reason#>.
@prefix n3: <http://www.w3.org/2004/06/rei#>.

{("""chat"""@fr """chien"""@fr) pred:literal-not-identical true} a :PASS.
{(:case """http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2007/07test#case""") 
pred:iri-string true} a :PASS.
{(1 1) func:numeric-add 2} a :PASS.
{(5 2) func:numeric-subtract 3} a :PASS.
{(5 2) func:numeric-multiply 10} a :PASS.
{(5 2) func:numeric-divide 2.5} a :PASS.
{(5 2) func:numeric-integer-divide 2} a :PASS.
{(10 3) func:numeric-mod 1} a :PASS.
{(6 -2) func:numeric-mod 0} a :PASS.
{(4.5 1.2) func:numeric-mod 0.9} a :PASS.
{(123.0 6.0) func:numeric-mod 3.0} a :PASS.
{(1 1.0) pred:numeric-equal true} a :PASS.
{(2.0 3) pred:numeric-less-than true} a :PASS.
{(1.0 0) pred:numeric-greater-than true} a :PASS.
{(1 1.01) pred:numeric-not-equal true} a :PASS.
{(3 5.0) pred:numeric-less-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{(1.0 1) pred:numeric-greater-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""false"""^^xsd:boolean) func:not true} a :PASS.
{(true) func:not """false"""^^xsd:boolean} a :PASS.
{("""false"""^^xsd:boolean false) pred:boolean-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""false"""^^xsd:boolean true) pred:boolean-less-than true} a :PASS.
{("""true"""^^xsd:boolean """false"""^^xsd:boolean) 
pred:boolean-greater-than true} a :PASS.
{("""abc""" """abc""") func:compare 0} a :PASS.
{("""Straßen""" """Straße""") func:compare 1} a :PASS.
{("""Ingratitude, """ """thou """ """marble-hearted""" """ fiend!""") 
func:concat """Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend!"""} a :PASS.
{(("""Now""" """is""" """the""" """time""" """...""") """ """) 
func:string-join """Now is the time ... """} a :PASS.
{("""motor car""" 6) func:substring """ car"""} a :PASS.
{("""metadata""" 4 3) func:substring """ada"""} a :PASS.
{("""12345""" 1.5 2.6) func:substring """234"""} a :PASS.
{("""12345""" 0 3) func:substring """12"""} a :PASS.
{("""12345""" 5 -3) func:substring """"""} a :PASS.
{("""12345""" -3 5) func:substring """1"""} a :PASS.
{("""Harp not on that string, madam; that is past.""") func:string-length 
45} a :PASS.
{(""""""@en) func:string-length 0} a :PASS.
{("""abCd0""") func:upper-case """ABCD0"""} a :PASS.
{("""ABc!D""") func:lower-case """abc!d"""} a :PASS.
{("""00/Weather/CA/Los%20Angeles#ocean""") func:encode-for-uri 
"""00%2FWeather%2FCA%2FLos%2520Angeles%23ocean"""} a :PASS.
{("""~bébé""") func:encode-for-uri """~b%C3%A9b%C3%A9"""} a :PASS.
{("""100% organic""") func:encode-for-uri """100%25%20organic"""} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """attoo""") func:substring-before """t"""} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """tatto""") func:substring-before """"""} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """tat""") func:substring-after """too"""} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """tattoo""") func:substring-after """"""} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """t""") pred:contains true} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """tat""") pred:starts-with true} a :PASS.
{("""tattoo""" """tattoo""") pred:ends-with true} a :PASS.
{("""abracadabra""" """bra""") pred:matches true} a :PASS.
{("""abracadabra""" """^a.*a$""") pred:matches true} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) func:year-from-dateTime 
1999} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) func:month-from-dateTime 
5} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) func:day-from-dateTime 
31} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) func:hours-from-dateTime 
13} a :PASS.
func:minutes-from-dateTime 20} a :PASS.
func:seconds-from-dateTime 0} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31-05:00"""^^xsd:date) func:year-from-date 1999} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31-05:00"""^^xsd:date) func:month-from-date 5} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31-05:00"""^^xsd:date) func:day-from-date 31} a :PASS.
{("""13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) func:hours-from-time 13} a :PASS.
{("""13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) func:minutes-from-time 20} a :PASS.
{("""13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) func:seconds-from-time 0} a :PASS.
{("""P20Y15M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) func:years-from-duration 21} a 
{("""-P15M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) func:years-from-duration -1} a 
{("""-P2DT15H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:years-from-duration 0} a 
{("""P20Y15M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) func:months-from-duration 3} a 
{("""-P20Y18M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) func:months-from-duration -6} a 
{("""-P2DT15H0M0S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:months-from-duration 0} a 
{("""P3DT10H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:days-from-duration 3} a :PASS.
{("""P3DT55H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:days-from-duration 5} a :PASS.
{("""P3Y5M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) func:days-from-duration 0} a :PASS.
{("""P3DT10H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:hours-from-duration 10} a 
{("""P3DT12H32M12S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:hours-from-duration 12} a 
{("""PT123H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:hours-from-duration 3} a :PASS.
{("""-P3DT10H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:hours-from-duration -10} a 
{("""P3DT10H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:minutes-from-duration 0} a 
{("""-P5DT12H30M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:minutes-from-duration -30} 
a :PASS.
{("""P3DT10H12.5S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:seconds-from-duration 
12.5} a :PASS.
{("""-PT256S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:seconds-from-duration -16.0} a 
func:timezone-from-dateTime """-PT5H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""2000-06-12T13:20:00Z"""^^xsd:dateTime) func:timezone-from-dateTime 
"""PT0S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""1999-05-31-05:00"""^^xsd:date) func:timezone-from-date 
"""-PT5H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""2000-06-12Z"""^^xsd:date) func:timezone-from-date 
"""PT0S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""13:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) func:timezone-from-time 
"""-PT5H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""13:20:00Z"""^^xsd:time) func:timezone-from-time 
"""PT0S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
"""1999-11-28T09:00:00Z"""^^xsd:dateTime) func:subtract-dateTimes 
"""P337DT2H12M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""2000-10-30Z"""^^xsd:date """1999-11-28Z"""^^xsd:date) 
func:subtract-dates """P337D"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""11:12:00Z"""^^xsd:time """04:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) 
func:subtract-times """PT2H12M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""11:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time """21:30:00+05:30"""^^xsd:time) 
func:subtract-times """PT0S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""17:00:00-06:00"""^^xsd:time """08:00:00+09:00"""^^xsd:time) 
func:subtract-times """P1D"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""24:00:00"""^^xsd:time """23:59:59"""^^xsd:time) func:subtract-times 
"""-PT23H59M59S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""P2Y11M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """P3Y3M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
func:add-yearMonthDurations """P6Y2M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration} a :PASS.
{("""P2Y11M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """P3Y3M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
func:subtract-yearMonthDurations """-P4M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration} a 
{("""P2Y11M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration 2.3) func:multiply-yearMonthDuration 
"""P6Y9M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration} a :PASS.
{("""P2Y11M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration 1.5) func:divide-yearMonthDuration 
"""P1Y11M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration} a :PASS.
{("""P3Y4M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """-P1Y4M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
func:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration -2.5} a :PASS.
{("""P2DT12H5M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration """P5DT12H"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:add-dayTimeDurations """P8DT5M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
"""P1DT10H30M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:subtract-dayTimeDurations 
"""P1DT1H30M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""PT2H10M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration 2.1) func:multiply-dayTimeDuration 
"""PT4H33M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a :PASS.
{("""P1DT2H30M10.5S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration 1.5) 
func:divide-dayTimeDuration """PT17H40M7S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration} a 
{("""PT4H33M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration """PT2H10M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration 2.1} a :PASS.
"""P1Y2M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) func:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime 
"""2001-12-30T11:12:00Z"""^^xsd:dateTime} a :PASS.
{("""2000-10-30Z"""^^xsd:date """P1Y2M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
func:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date """2001-12-30Z"""^^xsd:date} a :PASS.
"""P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) func:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime 
"""2000-11-02T12:27:00Z"""^^xsd:dateTime} a :PASS.
{("""2004-10-30Z"""^^xsd:date """P2DT2H30M0S"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date """2004-11-01Z"""^^xsd:date} a :PASS.
{("""11:12:00Z"""^^xsd:time """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time """12:27:00Z"""^^xsd:time} a :PASS.
"""1999-08-30T11:12:00Z"""^^xsd:dateTime} a :PASS.
{("""2000-10-30Z"""^^xsd:date """P1Y2M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
func:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date """1999-08-30Z"""^^xsd:date} a 
"""2000-10-27T09:57:00Z"""^^xsd:dateTime} a :PASS.
{("""2000-10-30Z"""^^xsd:date """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date """2000-10-26Z"""^^xsd:date} a 
{("""11:12:00Z"""^^xsd:time """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time """09:57:00Z"""^^xsd:time} a 
{("""08:20:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time """P23DT10H10M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
func:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time """22:10:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time} a 
"""2002-04-02T17:00:00+04:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal true} a 
"""2002-04-02T23:00:00+06:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal true} a 
"""2002-04-02T17:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal false} 
a :PASS.
"""2002-04-02T12:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal true} a 
"""2002-04-03T02:00:00-01:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal true} a 
"""2000-01-01T00:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal true} a 
"""2005-04-04T00:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-equal false} 
a :PASS.
"""2010-04-02T17:00:00+04:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-less-than 
true} a :PASS.
"""2002-04-02T17:00:00+04:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-greater-than 
true} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25Z"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-25+07:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25-12:00"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-26+12:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25Z"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-25-05:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-less-than true} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25-12:00"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-26+12:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-less-than false} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25Z"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-25+07:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-greater-than true} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25-12:00"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-26+12:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-greater-than false} a :PASS.
{("""08:00:00+09:00"""^^xsd:time """17:00:00-06:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""21:30:00+10:30"""^^xsd:time """06:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""24:00:00+01:00"""^^xsd:time """00:00:00+01:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""12:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time """23:00:00+06:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-less-than false} a :PASS.
{("""11:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time """17:00:00Z"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-less-than true} a :PASS.
{("""23:59:59-05:00"""^^xsd:time """24:00:00-05:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-less-than false} a :PASS.
{("""08:00:00+09:00"""^^xsd:time """17:00:00-06:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-greater-than false} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y"""^^xsd:duration """P12M"""^^xsd:duration) pred:duration-equal 
true} a :PASS.
{("""PT24H"""^^xsd:duration """P1D"""^^xsd:duration) pred:duration-equal 
true} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y"""^^xsd:duration """P365D"""^^xsd:duration) pred:duration-equal 
false} a :PASS.
{("""P2Y0M0DT0H0M0S"""^^xsd:duration """P24M"""^^xsd:duration) 
pred:duration-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""P1DT1M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
pred:dayTimeDuration-less-than true} a :PASS.
{("""P1DT1M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
pred:dayTimeDuration-greater-than false} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y1M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """P3Y"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
pred:yearMonthDuration-less-than true} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y1M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """P3Y"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
pred:yearMonthDuration-greater-than false} a :PASS.
"""2002-04-02T17:00:00+04:00"""^^xsd:dateTime) pred:dateTime-not-equal 
false} a :PASS.
pred:dateTime-less-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
pred:dateTime-greater-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25Z"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-25+07:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-not-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25Z"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-25+07:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-less-than-or-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""2004-12-25Z"""^^xsd:date """2004-12-25+07:00"""^^xsd:date) 
pred:date-greater-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""08:00:00+09:00"""^^xsd:time """17:00:00-06:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-not-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""08:00:00+09:00"""^^xsd:time """17:00:00-06:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-less-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""08:00:00+09:00"""^^xsd:time """17:00:00-06:00"""^^xsd:time) 
pred:time-greater-than-or-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y"""^^xsd:duration """P12M"""^^xsd:duration) 
pred:duration-not-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""P1DT1M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
pred:dayTimeDuration-less-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""P1DT1M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration """P3DT1H15M"""^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) 
pred:dayTimeDuration-greater-than-or-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y1M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """P3Y"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
pred:yearMonthDuration-less-than-or-equal true} a :PASS.
{("""P1Y1M"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration """P3Y"""^^xsd:yearMonthDuration) 
pred:yearMonthDuration-greater-than-or-equal false} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy""") func:PlainLiteral-from-string-lang """Family Guy"""} a 
{("""Family Guy""" """EN""") func:PlainLiteral-from-string-lang """Family 
Guy"""@en} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy""") func:string-from-PlainLiteral """Family Guy"""} a 
{("""Family Guy"""@en) func:string-from-PlainLiteral """Family Guy"""} a 
{("""Family Guy""") func:lang-from-PlainLiteral """"""} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy"""@en) func:lang-from-PlainLiteral """en"""} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy""" """Mother""") func:PlainLiteral-compare -1} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy"""@en """Brother"""@en) func:PlainLiteral-compare 1} a 
{("""Family Guy""") func:PlainLiteral-length 10} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy"""@en) func:PlainLiteral-length 10} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy"""@en """en""") pred:matches-language-range true} a :PASS.
{("""Family Guy"""@en-US """en-*""") pred:matches-language-range true} a 
{((:a :b :c :d)) pred:is-list true} a :PASS.
{((:a :b :c :d) :b) pred:list-contains true} a :PASS.
{(:a :b :c :d) func:make-list (:a :b :c :d)} a :PASS.
{((:a :b :c :d)) func:count 4} a :PASS.
{((:a :b :c :d) 3) func:get :d} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 0) func:sublist ()} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 1) func:sublist (0)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 4) func:sublist (0 1 2 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 5) func:sublist (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 10) func:sublist (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 -2) func:sublist (0 1 2)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 2 4) func:sublist (2 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 2 -2) func:sublist (2)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0) func:sublist (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 3) func:sublist (3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) -2) func:sublist (3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2) 3) func:append (0 1 2 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2) 3 4) func:append (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((1 1) (1) (1) ((1))) func:append (1 1 (1) (1) ((1)))} a :PASS.
{(() 1) func:append (1)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2) (3 4 5)) func:concatenate (0 1 2 3 4 5)} a :PASS.
{((1 1) (1) (1)) func:concatenate (1 1 1 1)} a :PASS.
{(()) func:concatenate ()} a :PASS.
{(() (1) () (2) ((3))) func:concatenate (1 2 (3))} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0 99) func:insert-before (99 0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 1 99) func:insert-before (0 99 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) -1 99) func:insert-before (0 1 2 3 99 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) -5 99) func:insert-before (99 0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 0) func:remove (1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 1) func:remove (0 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 4) func:remove (0 1 2 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) -1) func:remove (0 1 2 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) -5) func:remove (1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4)) func:reverse (4 3 2 1 0)} a :PASS.
{((1)) func:reverse (1)} a :PASS.
{(()) func:reverse ()} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) 2) func:index-of (2)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4 5 2 2) 2) func:index-of (2 6 7)} a :PASS.
{((2 2 3 4 5 2 2) 2) func:index-of (0 1 5 6)} a :PASS.
{((2 2 3 4 5 2 2) 1) func:index-of ()} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 4) (3 4 5 6)) func:union (0 1 2 4 3 5 6)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3) (4)) func:union (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3) (3)) func:union (0 1 2 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 2 1 0)) func:union (0 2 1)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4)) func:distinct-values (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4 0 4)) func:distinct-values (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((3 3 3)) func:distinct-values (3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) (1 3)) func:intersect (1 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) (3 1)) func:intersect (1 3)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) ()) func:intersect ()} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6)) func:intersect (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) (1 3)) func:except (0 2 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) ()) func:except (0 1 2 3 4)} a :PASS.
{((0 1 2 3 4) (0 1 2 3 4)) func:except ()} a :PASS.

#ENDS 64 msec
reasoning 64 msec
#Trunk : 1319/2640 = 49.9621212121212 %
#Branch: 1/661 = 0.151285930408472 %

Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 08:33:03 UTC