Re: RDFa DOM API: Adding RDF triples to the DOM

Hi Toby,

I don't  believe that it is just little rewarded.

Who will annotate all these plain HTML documents and link it to all 
these wonderful Linked Data Sets?
Wouldn't it be cool to add result triples of a SPARQL query to my web 
page  text content?
Wouldn't it be cool if my browser plugin automatically enriches web 
pages with Linked Data sources I am interested in? (Think about Ebay and 
Amazon Spongers)

I think RDFa annotations don't have to be as static as web page text 
They should be generated on the fly depending on the reader's or 
writer's current task, interest, mood, or other context.

But at the moment, it's really awful to add add automatically RDFa to 
low level DOM structures.

So addTriple methods are needed in an DOM RDFa API !

Best regards,


Toby Inkster schrieb:
>> I doubt the wisdom of having a addTriple in an RDFa DOM API.
> Yes, it doesn't seem to be a great idea to me. It's a lot of work for
> little reward.
> An addTriple method is of course a great idea for the triple store API
> which is within the charter of the WG.
> -Toby

Benjamin Adrian
Email :
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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff
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Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 14:07:00 UTC