Re: Prefix for in RDFa Initial Context?


maybe this is one of those issues that do not require telco time and can be formally voted on the mailing list. See my mail:

the only difference between then and now is that SPARQL is actually a Rec already, and PROV is in PR. And we are not obliged to wait for the publication of the RDFa PR for this...


On Mar 26, 2013, at 20:03 , Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> Can we assume this is in the pipeline and will go ahead?
> Dan
> On 1 March 2013 08:16, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>> Good point. We made the commitment not to change the context file often, so I did not make a change yet. Manu, should we introduce this change now and make it official? Are there other additions that we may want to consider?
>> If we change this, we will have to make some tam-tam around it; implementers should be notified.
>> (Eg, two W3C Recs are coming up, namely prov and sparql, both have some vocabulary additions; those may be added right away, ie, as soon as PR is up)
>> Ivan
>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 17:11 , Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>>> +cc Antoine
>>> Where are we with this? Do you still plan to add dc11 expansion into
>>> ?
>>> Dan
>>> On 20 November 2012 21:37, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>>>> I am fine with this change.
>>>> WG: process question. If we accept this change, when should we do this? We are bound by a promise not to make changes often. I would therefore propose to make this change when html5+rdfa goes to CR. Tom, this would be sometimes January-February time range. Would that be fine?
>>>> Ivan
>>>> On Nov 20, 2012, at 16:28 , Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>>>>> ΩOn Nov 20, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Thomas Baker <> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear RDFa WG,
>>>>>> Currently, the prefixes "dc:" and "dcterms:" are both mapped in the RDFa
>>>>>> Initial Context to the namespace URI (here:
>>>>>> "/terms/") [1].
>>>>>> It has been pointed out that a considerable amount of data uses, or maps to,
>>>>>> DCMI properties with the namespace URI (here:
>>>>>> "/1.1/"), which in other contexts has traditionally been mapped to the prefix
>>>>>> "dc:".
>>>>>> Most of the /terms/ properties have ranges restricted to either literal or
>>>>>> non-literal values, while the /1.1/ properties are rangeless (rdfs:Resource by
>>>>>> default) -- a characteristic some users see as an advantage (see [2]).
>>>>>> DCMI would like to propose to the RDFa Working Group that the prefix "dc11:" be
>>>>>> added to the Initial Context for the /1.1/ namespace URI.
>>>>> +1
>>>>> Gregg
>>>>>> People who have used "dc:" for /1.1/ properties will need to explicitly declare
>>>>>> this as a prefix.  However, for those who continue to use /1.1/ properties --
>>>>>> in some cases, precisely because they are rangeless -- inclusion in the Initial
>>>>>> Context would emphasize that /1.1/ has not been forgotten or deprecated,
>>>>>> reinforce the message that /1.1/ properties should not be "upgraded" to /terms/
>>>>>> properties in a mechanical way, and provide a conventional prefix to use for
>>>>>> the properties.
>>>>>> Many thanks for your consideration,
>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Tom Baker <>
>>>>>> Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Ltd
>>>> ----
>>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>>>> Home:
>>>> mobile: +31-641044153
>>>> FOAF:
>> ----
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>> Home:
>> mobile: +31-641044153
>> FOAF:

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 07:57:42 UTC