Re: URI/IRI Normalization in RDFa environments

Hi Ivan,

In the common web world, it get's normalized, in RDF it doesn't, you do 
string comparison.

The common case we'll encounter in RDFa land is data being published 
with "URLs" like:


in @href, @src, and probably most often, @base.

The problem we've got is that all the browsers and most DOM based 
tooling will normalize these URIs to, but in 
the RDF world and http://EXAMPLE.ORG/foo/bar are different.

Ivan Herman wrote:
> I must admit I am lost:-(
> If the source is that crazy hTtP://something, what should be the output? Is it http://something or should it keep the hTtP stuff?
> Ivan
> On Jan 19, 2011, at 23:26 , Nathan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> It appears that all the major browser vendors do URI/URL normalization on relative refs, and values in common html attribute (@href and @src) - meaning that the URI/IRIs people can pull from RDFa when in an environment don't match the non-normalized RDF URI References intended.
>> I've thrown together a quick HTML only page to illustrate:
>> And also an XHTML+RDFa 1.0 page here:
>> Also pyRDFa and which fully normalizes values, and pyRDFa which seems to have conflicting functionality, producing htTp:// vs http:// depending on whether the value has needed path resolution (whilst treating the rest of the URI as case sensitive, as per RDF specs).
>> May be worth checking to see what you're own libraries do with the /2 example.
>> Best,
>> Nathan
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
> Home:
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Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 15:05:00 UTC