Re: ISSUE 144, minor wording issue about datasets in Semantics

I think Semantics should just refer to Concepts without attempting to paraphrase it. 
RDF datasets are defined in [RDF11-CONCEPTS]. 

Andy Seaborne , 10/2/2013 3:04 AM:
On 02/10/13 01:21, Peter Patel-Schneider wrote: 
> Yes, indeed the wording should be adjusted. 
> I suggest a minimal change in wording to: 
> An RDF dataset (see [RDF11-CONCEPTS]) is a finite set of RDF graphs each 
> paired with one or more IRIs or blank nodes, each of which being a name 
> of the graph 
> although this is probably not the smoothest way of saying what is meant. 
> peter 
Another problem is that the same IRI can be paired multiple times.  It  
needs to say the IRIs/blank nodes are uniquely paired. 
(<iri>, G1) (<iri>, G2) 
fits the description in semantics. 
Why not adopt the languge from, or at least closer to, RDF concepts? 
Talking about pairing one graph with one or more IRIs or blank nodes is  
not clear (to me at least). 

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 14:36:57 UTC