Re. IRIs, Denotation, and Identification


Following the "first public draft" announcement about the RDF 1.1 primer 
[1], I decided to quickly take a look at the current state of content 
with regards to the items above. Here's what I see, at the current time:

The abbreviation IRI is short for "International Resource Identifier". 
An IRI identifies a Web resource. The notion of IRI is a generalization 
of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), allowing non-ASCII characters to 
be used in the IRI character string. IRIs are specified in RFC 3987 

Then I wandered across to RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract [2] Syntax to 
find the following, at the current time:

1.2 Resources and Statements

Any IRI or literal denotes something in the world (the "universe of 
discourse"). These things are called resources. Anything can be a 
resource, including physical things, documents, abstract concepts, 
numbers and strings; the term is synonymous with "entity" as it is used 
in the RDF Semantics specification [RDF11-MT]. The resource denoted by 
an IRI is called its referent, and the resource denoted by a literal is 
called its literal value. Literals have datatypes that define the range 
of possible values, such as strings, numbers, and dates. A special kind 
of literals, language-tagged strings, denote plain-text strings in a 
natural language.

I assume this issue is going to be addressed in some form, quickly?


[1] -- RDF 1.1 Primer
[2] -- RDF 
1.1 Concepts & Abstract Syntax.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 21:09:55 UTC