[JSON] schema-based mapping of json into RDF


"Follow up with manu regarding schema-based mapping of json into rdf"


In the f2f there was a little discussion on the possibility of mapping
'colloquial', simple  developer friendly JSON into RDF via annotated
schemas. This approach had some discussion too in the XML world a few
years back, but since XML has a more complex data model than JSON,
things ended up so complex that we ended up with a Turing-complete
approach instead (ie. GRDDL).

I took an action to follow up with you on this, to see if it's
something you or others would care to pursue in the group. I don't
have a good picture of who is doing what with schemas for describing
JSON formats, but http://json-schema.org/ seems to have had some
attention, and has code and concrete examples. I also have no specific
mechanism in mind for expressing the mappings to RDF.

There is at least one JSON path language out there,
http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ ...and it seems a query
language, http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2008/07/16/jsonquery-data-querying-beyond-jsonpath/
... perhaps these could be used to express how matches against JSON
structures could be templated into RDF. Any thoughts?

>From http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/dojox/json/query.html ...
it lets you query from some specified object in a JSON structure, and
navigate around, with in this case quite a lot of expressivity -
$.store.book[\price][0].price - $.store.book[/price][0].price

Maybe we could define a way for instance data to point to a template
that [handwave handwave] embeds such expressions in something similar
to SPARQL CONSTRUCT. Would also need a way for instances to (ideally)
link to the schemas.



Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 15:28:11 UTC