Re: TopQuadrant's position on RDF Shapes working group

On 07/22/2014 02:03 AM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> To those from the W3C: would forming a new WG just for SPIN be a 
> realistic option? As Simon says, the other WG on Closed-world OWL 
> would be orthogonal to that SPIN group, because both approaches can be 
> used in conjunction with each other.

My sense is no, but I'd be happy to be proved wrong.  A new WG requires 
a clear understanding of why the technology is useful and appropriate 
for W3C (clear enough in this case), and enthusiastic support of W3C 
members [1] to fill the WG and deploy the resulting Recommendations.  So 
if you tell me actually there are 40 W3C members (or organizations 
willing to become W3C members to do this work) supporting it (and they 
act to show it), I'd say absolutely, we'll launch the WG right away.  My 
*guess* is the current number is less than ten, which isn't enough.   
But again, I'm happy to be proved wrong if the support is out there.   
(10 and 40 are not exact numbers; there's some judgement to be made 
about the level and type of support we see, but those numbers should 
give you some idea.)

      -- Sandro


Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 10:47:02 UTC