Re: Ruby framework to build Web apps with RDF, Spira and Triple Stores

The most comprehensive framework I can think of is Restfulie ( 
), which runs on Rails. Restfulie has both client and server components.

Other sever options: Rack ( and its  
middlewares should give you everything you need, especially if you  
want fine-grained control. A step up would be Sinatra ( 
), my personal favorite.

Other client options: RestClient ( 
) is really the only one of which I know anything.

If you go the Rack route, you might also take a look at Pancake ( 
), which is a framework built around Rack middlewares.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 14, 2010, at 11:35 PM, David Peterson <>  

> I am going to be developing a REST based SemWeb application Web  
> backend. The frontend will be driven via mobile browsers (iPad,  
> Andriod, etc) and will communicate to the Ruby based backend with a  
> triple store to store information.
> Basically, I am pretty new to Ruby, but have about 14 years  
> experience with other Web technologies (javascript, php, c#, asp,  
> java, RDF, SPARQL, objective-c, etc). So I know stuff, but not good  
> Ruby stuff :) So please don't throw any stones for this question if  
> it is indeed very basic. I have been researching into things for  
> about a week without coming across anything concrete.
> I need a Ruby framework that has a number of things built in:  
> sessions, user authentication, authenticated REST calls, role/ 
> permission based access to content. I had looked to use something  
> like Drupal as a backend and write custom modules to access the  
> Triple Store, but Drupal is way to heavy to just use it as a login  
> and access based system (I have A LOT of experience with Drupal, but  
> it just doesn't seem to fit).
> So, all you Ruby guru's out there, can anyone give me a pointer, a  
> link or some advice?
> Thank you,
> David Peterson

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 07:31:38 UTC