Updated RDFa-in-text/html tests

In the interest of assisting in improving interoperability between 
RDFa-in-text/html implementations, I've updated my collection of test 
cases at:


so that it includes a few more tests, and shows test results for most of 
the implementations I could find.

I've used a custom test format and custom scripts to collect the 
results, just because that made it easier for me than reusing parts of 
the RDFa Test Suite. The test data is available as JSON, so hopefully it 
can be easily transformed into whatever format people might prefer. 
(Ideally most of the useful tests would eventually be merged into the 
official test suite.)

It's all pretty rough at the moment, and I think there's still lots of 
behaviour that isn't tested here or in the official test suite, but 
hopefully the current collection is useful for highlighting some areas 
where implementations are non-interoperable and where behaviour needs to 
be specified by some specification.

(Much of it is testing obscure edge cases, but I don't believe that's a 
reason to not aim for perfect interoperability and precise, complete 
specification in all these cases. HTML 5 already specifies a lot of 
what's needed here, for parsing attributes and lowercasing names and 
determining languages and so on.)

Philip Taylor

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 11:25:30 UTC