Re: Do the following examples generate any triples?

Hi Manu,

thanks for this, good questions. Let me take a stab at it....

Manu Sporny wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Just to understand when certain triples are generated, it is my
> understanding that all of the examples below should not generate any
> triples, please verify:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> <div resource="#me" rel="foaf:knows">
>    <span resource="#ben">
> </div>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

In all models

<> foaf:knows <#me> .

is generated if there is an implicit @about="" on the <body> element. 
But I am not sure that is the case, in which case that triple is not 
generated either (sorry Ben, we seem to disagree on that).

I first believed that in the model of Mark the

<#me> foaf:knows <#ben> .

is also generated regardless of whether the previous triple is 
generated. I then had to re-read the syntax document to find out, via 
the processing steps, that this is not so. (@rel has a higher priority 
in setting [new subject], ie, it will be set to null, and that is not 
send down to <span>)

Which by itself is also significant (thanks, Manu!): if there is an 
uncertainty on this for us, too, this shows the extra complexity induced 
by the usage of @resource (sorry Mark:-)...

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> <div href="#me" rel="foaf:knows">
>    <span href="#ben">
> </div>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

The behaviour should be _exactly_ like the one above.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> <div href="#me">
>    <span rel="foaf:knows" href="#ben">
> </div>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

In the model of Mark @href sets the [new subject] in <div>, which is 
then turned into [current subject] that is sent down to <span>. Ie, the

<#me> foaf:knows <#ben> .

will be generated.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> <div resource="#me" rel="foaf:knows">
>    <div resource="#ben">
>       <a rel="foaf:knows" href="#mark">Mark</a>
>    </div>
> </div>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -- manu

<#me> foaf:knows <#ben> .

will be generated for the same reason.


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 09:43:27 UTC