problem with test 87 and resolution of :foo

Hi all,

So I'm trying out my parser on test case 87, which tests the following:

<a rel=":alternate" href="">alternate</a>
<a rel=":appendix" href="">appendix</a>

and other reserved words prefixed with just ":". Now the test says that 
these should resolve to vocab#alternate, vocab#appendix, etc...

Except, the top of the XHTML document contains:

<html xmlns="">

And since I'm processing xmlns statements, whatever default CURIE 
namespace I put in gets overridden by the document itself.

Is it really the right thing to say "parse xmlns declarations *except* 
for the default namespace one, which is always vocab#?"

this obviously shouldn't affect rel="license", since we do that with 
pre-processing special-casing anyways, but I didn't expect that 
rel=":license"  would also require special-casing.



Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 00:44:31 UTC