AW: [Implementation] Announcement & Question w.r.t. test suite

Elias, All,
Thank you for your explanations. I can now report on the progress so far:
 I followed your advice to include a license (CC Attribution 2.5 License) in [0].
 I added another test case [1] that is basically the meta/link-element in meta/link-element case,
 discussed in [2] (in fact a copy and paste of the example in this section ;).
 I extended the functionality of the RDFaXtractor so that for the time of writing this mail it passes
 nearly all test cases of [3], except:
  +  000001.htm, which has a obscure role="foaf:Person" in its first div-element (can't find that on in the spec ...)
  +  000013.htm, where I have some (technical) problems outputting the XMLLiteral correctly
  +  000015.htm, which has an xml:lang at an ancestor - I assume this might be a minor issue
  +  000022.htm, where I have some difficulties with correctly using the id="person"
  + and the newly introduced (above mentioned) test case 23 which should trigger RDF reification.
    There I have to find out if Jena causes the problem or if it is me not correctly applying the rules to create the rdf:object.
In generally I have to admit that I'm not sure if my way of handling the xml:base is correct (any comments welcome :).
Other comments/question w.r.t. the RDFa syntax document:
 + I find Section 5.3 Reification  [2] hard to understand and implement (the description, not the example ;).
    IMHO the first section needs a rewriting/disambiguation.  Might be worth it to structure it the same way as [4]  (case distinctions). 
 + The test cases need some cleanup and cross linking with the according sections in the RDFa syntax document.
 + Please include Section 7 (Rules) as soon as time allows - this would really be of great help.
That's all for now - again thank you for your support and the hints.
BTW: I find your listing of RDFa implementations (at _very_ handy. Just one little request:
Could you peradventure change the title of the pointer to my implementation to "RDFaXtractor ", please?
[1] and 
[2] , Section 5.3 Reification of the RDFa syntax ED
[4], Section 4.3.3 meta and link elements
 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
 Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

    phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)  
      web: <> 

   mobile: +43-660-7621761
      web: <> 


Von: Elias Torres im Auftrag von Elias Torres
Gesendet: Di 2006-11-14 14:20
An: Hausenblas, Michael
Betreff: Re: [Implementation] Announcement & Question w.r.t. test suite


Thank you for the pointer to your implementation and your interest in
RDFa. We hope to move right along to iron out any issues we still have
pending. Could you expand more on the difficulties you had? Were they
just technical difficulties based on your language and libraries used?
Was it understanding the specification draft? We'll appreciate any input.

Regarding the test suite, I'll be responsible for turning it into
something official but most of it will start from the test suite you
have been using.

In the meantime, please test against this version of the test suite [1],
since I have not updated the one on my personal SVN repository.

Thanks again and we hope we can keep expanding the number of
implementations across languages to help us develop the specification in
conjunction with your feedback.


PS. It might be beneficial to add a license to your code so others can
make an informed decision on whether they can use it or not.


Hausenblas, Michael wrote:
> Hello!
> Just for the record: I'm currently implementing an RDFa extractor in
> Java (using Jena and JDOM).
> When implementing RDFa [1] I had indeed some difficulties (w.r.t. <meta>
> and <link>, XMLLiteral, etc.).
> I'm using [2] for testing. Any "official" test-suite available out there
> (or is it just me being lazy ;)?
> Promise to give more details when back in office next week!
> Cheers,
>       Michael
> BTW: The current version can be found at [3] (don't expect too much ;)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>  Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
>  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
>  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>  Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
>  <office>
>     phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)  
>    e-mail:
>       web:
>  <private>
>    mobile: +43-660-7621761
>       web:
> ----------------------------------------------------------

Received on Thursday, 16 November 2006 11:06:01 UTC