[UPDATE] RDFa Python Parser


I've added my RDFa parser to RDFLib (http://rdflib.net). If you were to
check out the latest from svn you could the following [1]:

from rdflib import Graph
store = Graph()
store.load("http://ben.adida.net/card", format="rdfa")
print store.serialize(format="pretty-xml")

Now, I've added support for @role, but I just simply made assumptions
like it can be a CURIE or URI Ref and subject resolution is the same as
for any node or meta/link. I did this even though it was not on the
syntax document.

In ( Literal from string value of meta)

"If the datatype is specified, but no content attribute exists, then the
typed literal's value is determined as the concatenation of all textual
child elements. For example, the following RDF/A:"

<span about="http://example.org/foo"
      property="dc:creator" datatype="xsd:string">
  <b>M</b>ark <b>B</b>irbeck


<http://example.org/foo> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck"^^xsd:string .

I don't think it's true. You said all **textual** elements, not both
textual elements and the textual children of all node elements. I'd
think it was "ark irbeck"^^xsd:string. Anyways, my implementation does
what your example intended, but let me know what was the intention of
the wording.

In ( Language Tags)

You mention plaintext but that's it. Does this only apply to language
tags? Or if I find @datatype='plaintext' and no @content, do I
concatenate (as ambiguously defined above in and leave it as a
plain literal or ignore it?


[1] http://torrez.us/archives/2006/06/05/453/

Received on Thursday, 8 June 2006 05:02:59 UTC