GRDDL profile for XHTML2 namespace URL document

Hi all,

As per today's telecon, it will be useful to include a GRDDL transform 
[1] that specifies RDF/A in the document that lives at the XHTML2 
namespace URL. Non RDF/A-aware browsers can then still extract RDF from 
the XHTML2 documents.

Via content negotiation, multiple documents could live there, though 
the two most likely are XHTML and XML Schema Definition, of course. In 
either case, we can specify a GRDDL transform.

* In the case of an HTML document, we can do the following in the 
document HEAD (as per DanC's advice):

<head profile="">
<link rel="transformation" href="namespaceTransformation.xsl" />
<link rel="namespaceTranformation" href="gleanRDFA.xsl" />

where namespaceTransformation.xsl looks for 
and spits out

   { <xhtml2-ns-doc> g:namespaceTransformation <gleanRDFA.xsl> }

* In the case of an XML schema document, we can simply follow the GRDDL 
approach to annotating the schema for with namespace transformation 

Any thoughts or comments on this approach?



Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 16:46:29 UTC