Review of revised property path tests

Hi Andy,

I took a look at the revised property path tests.

I have a questions about pp16 and pp25.

The text definition in Section 18.4 allows an endpoint to appear as an intermediate node on the path.

In pp16, if we allow this, shouldn't we get these additional solutions:
{X=:e, Y=:e}  for :e - foaf:knows -> :f - foaf:knows -> :e
{X=:d, Y=:e}  for :d - foaf:knows -> :e - foaf:knows -> :f - foaf:knows -> :e

In pp25, we would get this additional solution
{z=:c}  for :a - :p -> :c - :p -> :c

I don't think we should allow the endpoint to appear as an intermediate node on the path, I would rather keep the results as they currently are in the tests. From my understanding, the semantics in Section 18.5 do not allow an endpoint to appear as an intermediate node.


Received on Monday, 21 February 2011 22:09:16 UTC