proposed text for SPARQL Update Member Submission

The document at is the 
submission that was a large part of the input to our work on SPARQL 1.1 
Update. I have an action (ACTION-296) to suggest text to be added to 
that URI to indicate its relationship with SPARQL 1.1 Update.

I suggest either in the abstract or status section a note that says:

Please note that this W3C Member Submission has been used as input by 
the [link]SPARQL Working Group in producing the [link]SPARQL 1.1 Update 
specification. Implementers and users are encouraged to use the SPARQL 
1.1 Update document as the authoritative specification for SPARQL Update.

Please suggest any changes; otherwise, I'll ask Sandro to add this to 
the member submission URI in a few days.


Received on Monday, 30 May 2011 22:54:13 UTC