Preparing a document for publication

Hi all,
I finally managed to write down what I do to get the entailment
regimes doc ready for publication. I forget it myself each time I have
to do it and waste my time on trying to produce an html version with
xmlproc instead of xsltproc, etc, so I hope this collection of steps
will at least help me.

I use a Mac, so the xsltproc step (3) might be different for others.
1) adjust:
    <!ENTITY draft.year "2010">
    <!ENTITY "October">
    <!ENTITY draft.month "10">
    <!ENTITY "14">
to the new pub date and possibly
    <!ENTITY maturity.level "WD">
in you .xml file (for me that is xmlspec.xml in the entailment folder)
2) Open shell and cd to the folder of my xmlspec.xml
3) xsltproc -o gen.html xmlspec.xml
This will generate the html version of my file which can be checked by
the pub rule tools
4) commit the generated gen.html into CVS
5) figure out the complete URL of gen.html
I go to, click on my
editor's draft link:
and change xmlspec.xml to gen.html

Now do the checking. When the checking shows errors, I try to fix all
the errors in the xmlspec.xml and start again from the top. This way I
won't have to change the same errors in each publication round.

6) Go to and enter the complete URL
for gen.html into the checker and run the checker
or enter,pubrules,
i.e., yourURL,pubrules
This should give one error at least: (1 occurrence)
    -> 404 (Not Found)
Since the doc that we are going to publish on 14 Oct 2010 is not yet
there, we are just preparing the publication.
Other errors have to be explained I guess (e.g., we have the
rif:imports URI which is a placeholder and does not yet exist)
7) On the pub rules result page there is a menu on the right hand side
with a Tools section. From there I select link checker at
This should give an error such as
Line: 42
    Status: 404 Not Found
because the document is not yet published, but already mentioned in
the boilerplate stuff.
Other errors should be fixed.
8) From the pub rules page there is also a link to the markup validator at
or enter,validate
This should not give errors.
9) Finally, I go to the CSS validator from the pub rules Tools menu at:
and enter my gen.html URL
This should not give errors.
10) W3C requires conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
2.0, Level AA. This can be checked with
I never did that before and now that I did I found that xmlspec.xsl
does not produce accessible html files. I fixed that now (b tags for
bold should be strong tags, i should be em, tables from ednotes should
not have a summary) and my document now validates.

Copy gen.html and if you have local.css (or whatever is needed) into
the appropriate subfolder of pub and commit into CVS.

All done, up to Lee, Axel and the webmasters now I hope.


Dr. Birte Glimm, Room 309
Computing Laboratory
Parks Road
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865 283520

Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2010 23:03:07 UTC