Re: SPARQL Update Syntax tests

I have added SPARQL Update syntax tests to the SPARQL WG test area:

contains a set of tests for each syntax form.  (I manage these tests as 
a single script for convenience elsewhere)

is a place for interesting other SPARQL Update syntax tests - it 
currently has one test (from Steve) for a large request.


On 25/08/10 16:38, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> FYI Work in progress: test suite for SPARQL Update (with thanks for
> Steve as well):
> This suite is managed by a script in the parent directory - I'll add it
> to the WG tests when it's stable.
> I would very much appreciate more tests (bad and good) as well as
> corrections.
> If the editors of the SPARQL Update could let me know if they
> agree/disgree that would be great but I recognize that's more work.
> Andy

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2010 23:10:09 UTC