Re: [TF-PP] Property Paths use cases

Seaborne, Andy wrote:
> ((To help tracking I've added [TF-PP]  Is there a way to tie email about this task force automatically to the wiki?))

Pretty sure there's not, though maybe the RIF/OWL2 guys (read as: 
Sandro) hacked something up. I'll ask them.

> To start, I'd like to compile some use cases to help us understand the problem space, the limitations and requirements.
> There are a few in the examples on the feature page [1] that include subclass and simple cases of just convenient abbreviation so there is a starting point there.  I've extracted those to seed the discussion.  Please add more.  Getting coverage matters so a written description without concrete example is just as helpful.

I added a couple of simple (?) ones without example syntax for 
retrieving RDF list members and finding a person's ancestors.


>  Andy
> [1]

Received on Sunday, 2 August 2009 22:39:59 UTC