Draft of PR transition request

Please see http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/prq819

Note a few @@s that remain - some ask questions that I'd appreciate 
input on. Of course, any comments in general are appreciated, as this 
request represents the DAWG.

Note that the implementation reports for the protocol and query results 
XML format and the Dispositions of Comments for all three specs are in 
nearly final state. We are still working on the implementation report 
for the query language after finding a bug in the scripts that generate 
it that made us think our results were a bit more complete than they 
are. (You can see the current results of the QL impl report at 
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/implementations rather than 
at the URL in the request: once this report stabilizes, I will be moving 
it to the frozen URL, adding a summary, and adding information on REDUCED.)

Still to do:

  + reviews of graph pattern conversion algorithm from Chimezie and EricP
  + response to commenter Frank McCabe
  + final query language implementation report
  + move schema and WSDL to /2007/SPARQL and update relative URIs and 
links in specifications

In any case - comments on the draft transition request are welcome. Of 
course, the sooner the better helps. :-)


Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 06:30:18 UTC