Re: MInutes of the 2005-03-22 RDF DAWG teleconference for review

For tracking purposes, the minutes from last week should show
these open:

ACTION DaveB: to consider use of xsi:dataType ala comment from Steer

ACTION AndyS: to clarify 5.4 w/r/t closed world assumption

ACTION AndyS: to explain how to get a whole graph with CONSTRUCT * and GRAPH.

ACTION EricP: to propose to close valueTesting (bonus points for test cases, to EricP or others)

ACTION EricP: propose "privacy considerations" for SPARQL protocol

and these done:

ACTION Bijan: to propose text (story? etc.) to support WSDL requirement

ACTION EricP: to review WSDL text proposal

On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 10:52 +0100, Janne Saarela wrote:
> RDF Data Access Working Group
> Tuesday 2005-03-22 14:30-16:30 UTC
> log:
> chair: DanC
> scribe: JanneS
> 1. Convene, take roll, review agenda
> Attending:
>      Dan Connolly
>      Kendall Clark
>      Andy Seaborne
>      Eric Prud'hommeaux
>      Hiroyuki Sato
>      Howard Katz
>      Janne Saarela
>      Jos De Roo
>      Kevin Wilkinson
>      Pat Hayes
>      Yoshio Fukushige
>      Dave Beckett
>      Steve Harris
>      Bryan Thompson
>      Bijan Parsia
> Regrets: none
> PROPOSED to accept as a true record of the last meeting:
> ACCEPTED with amendment of DaveB's regrets that were missing.
> Proposed agenda
> 2. issue: sort
> The WG discussed whether SORT design and inclusion in the language will 
> continue or not. Poll showed interest to pursue the design further and 
> to keep sorting as an objective for DAWG.
> Kendall explicitly noted that new objectives are useful at this point 
> even if we don't do them; there's likely to be another charter, 
> eventually. they seem good input to that.
> As AndyS has suggested a design in
> so the following 2 action items were assigned to review that design
> ACTION PatH: review sort design in 2 weeks
> ACTION Kevin: review sort design at earliest convenience
> 3. optional test for with background inference
> JosD had had an action item to
> ACTION JosD: Jos to propose an optional test based on ACTION op:dateTime 
> triple
> which is considered DONE in
> DanC was expecting to see was expecting the inferred triple (whose 
> predicate is op:dateTime-greater-than ) in the input data and took an 
> action item
> ACTION DanC: follow up re optional test based on op:dateTime triple
> 4. Test suite maintenance
> JosD had had an action item to
> ACTION JosD: propose a test based on dawg-triple-pattern-002 with a . in 
> a qname
> which is considered DONE in
> The WG observed the . in a qname is only present in the input data, not 
> in the query language itself which we should be testing.
> SteveH noted there's a test with dot in the query language expression in
> DaveB noted turtle definitions don't include dots in qnames and thus got 
> an action item to
> ACTION DaveB: consider dots in qnames, report on impact on turtle
> Other action items continued
> ACTION EricP: to pair with SteveH on making the HTML test results page 
> (continued)
> ACTION SteveH: to to revise test manifest w.r.t. "background" and named 
> graphs (continued)
> ACTION DaveB: to to propose source test to approve (continued)
> ACTION AndyS: to add the above graph test cases (analagous to 
> valueTesting test cases) (continued - don't expect quick delivery)
> (moved to agenda item 9 for the sake of time)
> 9. requirements review before last call
> WG discussed how to publish the test cases document. SteveH volunteered 
> to make it into a NOTE
> ACTION SteveH: prepare test cases for publication as WG Note (no 
> deadline/urgency)
> WG discussed publishing of the updated Use Cases and Requirements 
> document in
> Section 2.18 that motivates WSDL was deemed to require some rewording 
> both in title and in contents. The wording now leads into thinking the 
> wsdl interface is mostly for inserting and not for querying.
> ACTION Kendall: To rewrite 2.18: change the title, don't motivate 
> "update", spell "WSDL" correctly. :>
> WG decided to publish updated documents
> ACTION KC, AFS, EP: publish usecases 1.148 + revision to 2.18 by KC, 
> reviewed by AFS, plus editorial fixups by KC, ok'd by EricP
> The remaining time WG spent discussing how members felt about the 
> inclusion of the new features (such as disjunction, sorting, casting, 
> update, xml serialization and wsdl) into the WG work.
> Some features were considered worth the effort with the conscious risk 
> of missing our known schedule.
> The philosophy of 'better right than fast' was appealing to many members 
> while acknowledging the contradiction with the ability to deliver in time.
> Adjourned at 16:09 UTC.
> Next meeting: 29-March-2005 at 14:30 UTC.
> !!! Please be careful with the timing as Europe is moving into Summer 
> time next Sunday !!!
> Scribe for next meeting: N.N. (JanneS realized after the teleconf he 
> will be sitting in a car during next teleconf without being able to take 
> notes. No beer for Janne that is.)
> Janne
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2005 14:27:35 UTC