Re: non-empty default graphs

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 07:35 -0400, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> This is kind of like a test case for fromUnionQuery, hence the
> threading choice.
> Using Named Graphs (rq23) parlance, if I have a dataset:
>   default: { }
>   <lies.rdf>: { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> <GreenCheese> }
>   <truth.rdf>: { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> <Rocks>, <Dirt> }
> and a query:
>   SELECT ?stuff
>   FROM <truth.rdf>
>   FROM NAMED <lies.rdf>
>   WHERE { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> ?stuff }
> I get pretty predictable results:
>   | Rocks |
>   | Dirt  |

Huh? Above you said the default graph was empty. So
you should get no results.

Your example has two conflicting descriptions of
the dataset. Pick one, please.

If you pick the one suggested by the FROM/FROM NAMED
parts of the query, you get:

  default: { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> <Rocks>, <Dirt> }
  <lies.rdf>: { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> <GreenCheese> }
  <truth.rdf>: { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> <Rocks>, <Dirt> }

> But the default graph need not start out empty.

"start out"? datasets don't change. They just are.

>  If i happen on a default
> graph that alreay has <lies.rdf> in it:
>   default: { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> <GreenCheese> }
> and do the same query, I get:
>   | Rocks       |
>   | Dirt        |
>   | GreenCheese |
> Thus, if the defualt database *may* be contiminated, you need to fall
> back to the more verbose form of provenance constraint:
>   SELECT ?stuff
>   FROM <truth.rdf>
>   FROM NAMED <lies.rdf>
>   WHERE { GRAPH <truth.rdf> { <TheMoon> <isMadeOf> ?stuff } }
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 2 June 2005 14:29:11 UTC