RDF for UC&R

I think the specification of FOAF for 2.1 provides sufficient
explication of the available data.

I'm very unclear just what data we expect to be available for use case
2.2. Would sample data along the lines of:

Shifter876 partFor SpeedTriple
Shifter876 madeBy Endeavour
Shifter876 dependsOn MountingBracket123
MountingBracket123 requires _:screwSetX
_:screwSetX hasNumber 4
_:screwSetX hasScrewType ScrewX

To be honest, I kind of hate this stupid data (and would love it if
someone with better knowledge of the kind of data availabe in the
specified databases would write it up), but I think some idea of just
what data is available goes a long way toward explaining just what the
query language will be doing.

2.3 seems to have pretty straightforward data:

_:bookX dc:author http://foo.bar/JohnnyLeeOutlaw
_:bookX media:objectName "J to the LO"^^xsd:String
_:bookX dollarPrice "29.99"^^xsd:Float

Note that issues with datatype values (and even representation of
currency) are very clear from this example, and this was not evident
without the sample data.

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2004 10:29:02 UTC