Re: [Query-errata] error in example query in SPARQL recommendation

> In section 11.4.11 sameTerm there is a syntax error in the last example.
> The example in the recommendation reads
> PREFIX  :      <>
> PREFIX  t:     <>
> SELECT ?aLabel1 ?bLabel
> WHERE { ?a  :label        ?aLabel .
>         ?a  :weight       ?aWeight .
>         ?a  :displacement ?aDisp .
>         ?b  :label        ?bLabel .
>         ?b  :weight       ?bWeight .
>         ?b  :displacement ?bDisp .
>         FILTER ( sameTerm(?aWeight, ?bWeight) && !sameTerm(?aDisp, ?bDisp) }
> There is a closing parenthesis missing for the FILTER expression.

This is corrected in the SPARQL 1.1 working draft.

Thank you for your comment,


Received on Monday, 24 January 2011 10:45:13 UTC