Re: wrong content type for sparql test suite files

* Arjohn Kampman <> [2007-12-12 20:36+0100]
> Dear WG,
> The w3c server reports incorrect content types for the test suite files,
> which causes my revised compliance test to fail. This is what
> currently reports:
> .rq  --> text/plain
> .ttl --> text/rdf+n3; qs=0.89
> .srx --> text/plain
> I guess that the content type for .rq files is OK, but the other two are
> not. Turtle files should either have application/turtle or
> application/x-turtle, SPARQL result files should have
> application/sparql-results+xml.
> So far, everything's OK for my compliance test as the turtle files are
> happily parsed by the N3 parser. However, things go wrong with the i18n
> tests. Turtle files in this directory are reported as
> text/plain; charset=utf-8 instead.

of course, this media type is wrong, but out of curiousity, what mechanically went wrong when you GOT 

> Would it be possible to fix the the reported MIME type? Please at least
> consider to change the type for the i18n Turtle files to be in
> accordance with the rest of the Turtle files.

There was a broken .htaccess (courtesy of me, no doubt) in i18n:
<Files ~ ".*.ttl">
ForceType "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
<Files ~ ".*.rq">
ForceType "application/sparql-query; charset=utf-8"

I created one for data-rq that appears to fix things:
<Files ~ ".*\.srx$">
ForceType 'application/sparql-results+xml'
<Files ~ ".*\.ttl$">
ForceType 'application/x-turtle'
<Files ~ ".*\.rq$">
ForceType 'application/sparql-query'

and it appears to:
$ for U in{algebra/two-nested-opt.{ttl,rq,srx},i18n/kanji{.ttl,-01{.rq,-results.ttl}}}; do echo -n $U && (HEAD $U | grep ^Content-Type: | sed s/^Content-Type://1); done application/x-turtle application/sparql-query application/sparql-results+xml application/x-turtle application/sparql-query application/x-turtle

Note that the media type for turtle is not yet registered and is subject
to much text/ debate:
so it may change underneath you (as expected for x- media types).

> Thanks,
> Arjohn
> -- 
> Arjohn Kampman, Senior Software Engineer
> Aduna - Guided Exploration


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Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2007 07:02:21 UTC