Re: replies on named graphs? containers use case

Sorry, the server resets itsself sometimes and doesnt start 
automatically :-) gret stuff.  should be up now.
see figure 2-3-4 .. basically we use linked list of "words" to define 
the low level stream of basic objects (words, punctuation). Then on top 
we have some "pointer " objects. that define where a sentence starts, 
ends  and things like that.

on page 7 there are example queries with an immaginary enhanced SeRQL. 
To be honest now that i read this i dont even think that simply 
supporting RDF collections would suffice for the queries in the example. 
On page 8 we show a solution in prolog
Is prolog an obliged choice? <devilsadvocate> Is it for any non trivial  
task on a SW graph ?


Arjohn Kampman wrote:

> Dan Connolly wrote:
>>> A few days ago, Kampman made an important remark about named graph 
>>> semantics but i havent seen any reply, did i miss some?
>> [answered separately]
>>> Also, i also would like to argue for the support for containers.
>>> For a very interesting use case (that i cant possibly solve without 
>>> query language support) see .
>> I can't seem to get there.
> Me neither, but Google has cached the document in HTML format:

Received on Friday, 15 April 2005 12:39:44 UTC