Re: SPARQL: which features now, which features later for RDF Data Access?

> Hmmm... I don't see a requirement for the query language
> to support arbitrary typed literals, stated either explicitly
> or subsumed by a requirement for the query language to
> allow matching of any RDF triple.

The closest thing is perhaps...

"3.1 RDF Graph Pattern Matching—Conjunction
The query language must include the capability to restrict matches on a
queried graph by providing a graph pattern, which consists of one or
more RDF triple patterns, to be satisfied in a query."

> I know that SPARQL presently provides for arbitrary
> typed literals, but it would still be good to see this
> requirement spelled out explicitly.
> Or perhaps I just missed it...?

Perhaps 3.1 is explicit enough?

You're more than welcome to continue to review design documents to
be sure they meet the arbitrary-types requirement... I don't see
much value in stating it explicitly in the requirements document
at this point in the process; it seems like just good hygiene. Do you have
a use case in mind that motivates support for arbitrary typed literals?
An important use case might make stating the requirement explicitly
seem more valuable.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 4 April 2005 15:57:03 UTC