Re: Question about a sentence in RDF 1.1 Primer

Dear Shuji Kamitsuna,

We have marked your comment as an erratum [1].

Thanks for letting us know, and also for translating the Primer!



On 09-03-14 18:41, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> On 03/09/2014 12:37 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 2014, at 9:56 AM, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>>> Dear Kamitsuna-san,
>>> this is an English idiomatic expression that, afaik, is perfectly
>>> fine (I am not native English either, but I do believe it is fine). A
>>> more verbose version would be something like:
>>> "Subsequently we discuss TriG, which is an extension of Turtle, and
>>> N-Quads, which is an extensions of N-Triples, to encode multiple
>>> graphs."
>> As a native speaker, I do fine the original text awkward.
> Huh.   As another native speaker, I'd say the original is completely
> nonsense.  I had no idea what it meant.
>>   I'd suggest of the following:
>> "Subsequently we discuss TriG and N-Quads, which are extensions of
>> Turtle and N-Triples, respectively, to encode multiple graphs."
> Ah, that makes perfect sense, and I guess that's what the original was
> supposed to say.
>> "Subsequently we discuss TriG and N-Quads, which are extensions
>> respectively of Turtle and N-Triples to encode multiple graphs."
> Yes, that also makes sense.
> Ivan's phrasing also kind of makes sense, but it's ambiguous about
> whether TriG is about multiple graphs.
>        -- Sandro
>> I'm not thrilled with either, however.
>> Gregg
>>> Sincerely
>>> Ivan
>>>> On 09 Mar 2014, at 14:48 , Shuji Kamitsuna
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> This is Shuji Kamitsuna@Japan.
>>>> I'm translating "RDF 1.1 Primer" into Japanese.
>>>> I encountered a sentence that I cannot understand.
>>>> It is on the section 5.1 "Turtle family of RDF languages", which says
>>>> "Subsequently we discuss TriG and N-Quads, which are extensions of
>>>> Turtle respectively N-Triples to encode multiple graphs."
>>>> What does it stand for? /OR/ Is there any error in the description?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> --
>>>> *******************
>>>> KAMITSUNA, Shuji.
>>> ----
>>> Ivan Herman, W3C
>>> Digital Publishing Activity Lead
>>> Home:
>>> mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Sunday, 9 March 2014 19:14:37 UTC