Use of xml:base in rdf:HTML Datatype

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
> The editor's draft of RDF Concepts section on rdf:HTML Datatype [1] makes a specific callout about @lang needing to be included explicitly in the HTML literal. I presume that this reasoning also applies to any in-scope @xml:base (valid in XHTML5). So, if we consider the following:

rdf:HTML is in terms of HTML syntax not the XHTML syntax. Thus...

   Authors must not use the xml:base attribute in HTML documents.

For XHTML one would use the rdf:XMLLiteral.

> <div property="rdf:value" datatype="rdf:HTML" xml:base="">
>  Interesting topic located <a href="bar">here</a>.
> </div>

This example of RDFa is confusing. The presence of xml:base seems to
mean this is an XML document (XHTML? No namespace is given) however
it's using the rdf:HTML type for it's content. I have no idea what the
result of that should be :D xml:base is the least of worries in this

> The xml:base context in effect during processing would _not_ be retained in the literal. This is probably worth a similar note in the concepts document.
> Gregg
> [1]

Received on Friday, 18 May 2012 23:29:51 UTC