from February 2007 by subject

[Bug 1207] Is unsignedInt("+123") an error?

[Bug 1252] [F+O] typo (subtracing) in 10.8.3

[Bug 1277] clarification about semantics of +0.0 and -0.0 in

[Bug 1291] [F&O] Missing reference to xdt canonical representation - editorial

[Bug 1312] Missing annex for implementation-defined and -dependent items

[Bug 1316] Clarify note on division by negative zero (editorial)

[Bug 1317] Inconsistency in normalize-unicode() $normalizationForm 'FULLY-NORMALIZED'

[Bug 1341] namespace-bindings and namespace nodes in terms of IRI

[Bug 1368] [XQuery] some editorial comments on 3.2 Path Expressions

[Bug 1376] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: parens

[Bug 1378] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: leading-lone-slash

[Bug 1379] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: comments

[Bug 1381] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: reserved-function-names

[Bug 1382] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: occurrence-indicators

[Bug 1383] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2 Lexical structure

[Bug 1385] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.2.1 Default Whitespace Handling

[Bug 1386] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.2.2 Explicit Whitespace Handling

[Bug 1387] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.3 Comments

[Bug 1388] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.3 Reserved Function Names

[Bug 1400] [F&O] Typo in 17.1.1

[Bug 1424] [FO] Some editorial improvements on sections 10.1/10.2

[Bug 1448] [XQuery] Grammar: Longest token vs delimiting terminal

[Bug 1492] Section D.1.1 eg:if-empty example error

[Bug 1512] editorial suggestion for fn:min and fn:max

[Bug 1567] Subtract duration from date: minor error

[Bug 1568] [F+O] Unnecessary assumption in example

[Bug 1754] [FS] editorial: 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.10: normalizing calls to particular functions

[Bug 1756] [FS] editorial: 7.2.3 The fn:abs, fn:ceiling, fn:floor, fn:round, and fn:round-half-to-even functions

[Bug 1758] [FS] editorial: 7.2.5 The fn:collection and fn:doc functions

[Bug 1763] [FS] editorial: 7.2.10 The fn:min, fn:max, fn:avg, and fn:sum functions

[Bug 1783] [FS] editorial: 8.4 Judgments for FLWOR and other expressions on sequences

[Bug 1800] [FS] editorial: E.1 Judgments for the validate expression

[Bug 1806] [FS] editorial: E.1.5.1 Simply annotate

[Bug 1856] [F&O] Error FORG0009 seems redundant

[Bug 1923] Wrong URL in A.1

[Bug 2132] Some examples give PT0H as a result - canonical form is PT0S

[Bug 2254] Example of subtraction of dates gives wrong result

[Bug 2280] [FO] what is whitespace in a regular expression?

[Bug 2321] [XSLT 2.0] format-date/dateTime/time() fallback prefixes

[Bug 2331] FLWORExpr and QuantifiedExpr symmetry.

[Bug 2343] Syntax for @mode and @exclude-result-prefixes ins't alligned

[Bug 2388] Required static error checking unduly constraints implementations

[Bug 2405] QueryBody for MainModule can be very difficult to parse

[Bug 2422] unclear how to interpret empty attribute values in xsl:output declarations

[Bug 2424] [XSLT 2.0] definition of alphanumeric in xsl:number format attribute

[Bug 2535] One empty sequence is deep-equal to another, but they are not =

[Bug 2548] [XQuery] Change namespace binding for anyAtomicType, yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration

[Bug 2644] [F+O] Conversion from float/double to string

[Bug 2657] incorrect name of static context property

[Bug 2678] Can't cast xs:QName to xs:QName

[Bug 2681] Functions taking "." as default argument

[Bug 2722] [F+O] Compatibility of string-length()

[Bug 2732] Non-capturing subexpressions

[Bug 2792] attribute(*, xs:anyType)

[Bug 2949] Please note that 'Modules' and 'Collections and Default Collection' are implemented

[Bug 2997] [F&O] editorial: Examples (fn:sum)

[Bug 3072] Which types have constructor functions?

[Bug 3142] [FS] editorial: 3.1.1 Static Context

[Bug 3172] [FO] 5.1 Constructor Functions: exception for QName and NOTATION

[Bug 3173] [F+O, DM] A difficulty with document-uri()

[Bug 3174] XQueryX trivial embedding

[Bug 3179] [FS] editorial: 3.1.1 Static Context

[Bug 3183] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls: []_FunctionArgument

[Bug 3184] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls

[Bug 3188] [FS] editorial: 4.12.2 Typeswitch

[Bug 3189] [FS] editorial: 5 Modules and Prologs

[Bug 3192] [FS] editorial: 5.11 Module Import

[Bug 3193] [FS] editorial: 5.14 Variable Declaration

[Bug 3194] [FS] editorial: 5.15 Function Declaration

[Bug 3201] fn:id not subject to compatibility - an oversight?

[Bug 3205] [FS] editorial: 7.2.5 The fn:collection and fn:doc functions

[Bug 3211] [FS] editorial: B.2 Mapping of Overloaded Internal Functions

[Bug 3214] [FS] editorial: C.2.1 Schema

[Bug 3268] [FS] editorial: 2.4.4. Top level definitions

[Bug 3269] [FS] editorial: FooNameOrWildcard

[Bug 3301] [FO] Editorial: Error Function: Examples: can return QName, not only anyURI

[Bug 3369] [F+O] Operations on xs:duration

[Bug 3416] [XQuery] Base URI of a constructed element

[Bug 3435] [F+O] duplicated paragraph

[Bug 3436] [F+O] markup: *case-variant*

[Bug 3441] [Serialization]: in which phase do indentation and meta-tags happen?

[Bug 3445] [F+O] Date and time conversions

[Bug 3446] [XQueryX] constructing attribute values with whitespace characters

[Bug 3472] [F&O] namespace URI for functions

[Bug 3474] [XQueryX] constructing attribute values with the less than character

[Bug 3485] [XQuery] relative URILiteral

[Bug 3529] [F&O] digits of precision returned by the numeric operators

[Bug 3541] [Serialization]: round-tripping rules

[Bug 3606] [XPath] delimiting tokens

[Bug 3637] [XQuery] Adjacent text nodes

[Bug 3644] [F+O] Casting xs:QName and xs:NOTATION to xs:string

[Bug 3655] specification of item-sequence-to-* functions unclear

[Bug 3670] Missing op:anyURI-equal(A, B)

[Bug 3698] [FT] Interaction between FTDiacriticsOption and collation unclear

[Bug 3704] [XQuery] xml:space attributes

[Bug 3718] fn:index-of

[Bug 3740] [FT] Silence on xml:lang

[Bug 3757] [FS] technical: 2.3.1 ElementValue

[Bug 3759] [F+O] round-half-to-even and float precision

[Bug 3765] "|" token not listed as delimiting or non-delimiting

[Bug 3770] [F+O] available-documents returning empty sequence

[Bug 3812] [FS] editorial: 2.1.4: ellipses

[Bug 3818] Static typing of $input-context1/works[1]/employee[1]/empnum[1]

[Bug 3846] axis child:: of ElementType - processing-instructions and comments

[Bug 3847] inconsistent definition of idiv

[Bug 3860] [FS] editorial: 2.1.3 Notations for environments

[Bug 3861] [FS] editorial: 2.1.4 Notations for inference rules

[Bug 3863] [FS] technical: QNames in Values/Types/Definitions

[Bug 3864] [FS] editorial: 2.3.1 Formal values

[Bug 3865] [FS] editorial: 2.3.2 Examples of values

[Bug 3866] [FS] editorial: 2.4.1 XML Schema and the [XPath/XQuery] Type System

[Bug 3868] [FS] editorial: 2.4.3 Content models

[Bug 3871] [FS] editorial: 2.4.4. Top level definitions

[Bug 3872] [FS] editorial: 2.4.5 Example of a complete Schema

[Bug 3873] [FS] editorial: 2.5 Functions and operators

[Bug 3874] [FS] editorial: 3.1.1 Static Context

[Bug 3875] [FS] editorial: 3.1.2 Dynamic Context

[Bug 3876] [FS] editorial: 3.2.2 Normalization mapping rules

[Bug 3878] [FS] editorial: 3.3 Error Handling

[Bug 3879] [FS] editorial: 4 Expressions

[Bug 3880] [FS] editorial: 4.1.1 Literals

[Bug 3881] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls / Notation

[Bug 3882] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls / Normalization

[Bug 3883] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls / Static Type Analysis

[Bug 3884] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls / Notation 2

[Bug 3885] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls / Dynamic Evaluation

[Bug 3886] [FS] editorial: 4.2.1 Steps

[Bug 3895] [FS] editorial: 4.7.1 Direct Element Constructors

[Bug 3896] [FS] editorial: Attributes

[Bug 3900] [FT] Internationalization issues

[Bug 3908] [FT] Section 2.1 editoral issues

[Bug 3910] [FT] Interaction of multiple match options

[Bug 3911] [FT] Section 2.3

[Bug 3913] [FT] Section 3 Example tokenization

[Bug 3914] [FT] Section 3.1.2/3.1.3 syntax

[Bug 3919] [FT] Section 3.1.8 tokens vs words

[Bug 3920] [FT] Section 3.1.8 Examples

[Bug 3924] [FT] Section 3.2 Combinations

[Bug 3926] [FT] Section 3.2.1: collation information.

[Bug 3928] [FT] Section 3.2.1: query token vs comparison options

[Bug 3930] [FT] Section 3.2.5: bindind strength of stop word expressions

[Bug 3931] [FT] Section 3.2.5: order of options

[Bug 3932] [FT] Section 3.2.5: Indexing and stop words

[Bug 3934] [FT] Section 3.2.7: Example for "without wildcard"

[Bug 3936] [FT] Section 3.3: Editorial note on ignore at indexing time

[Bug 3937] [FT] Section 4: Score information in figure

[Bug 3939] [FT] Section 4.1.1: Example for overlapping tokens

[Bug 3946] Typing of processing-instructions

[Bug 3951] [XQuery] editorial: Multiple declarations of the same namespace prefix

[Bug 3977] Nesting of proximity operators

[Bug 4027] Broken sentence in definition of fn:deep-equal

[Bug 4030] [F+O] "may not" ambiguity

[Bug 4036] lang() function: usage of hyphen "-"

[Bug 4080] [F+O] Backwards compatibility appendix

[Bug 4106] [F+O] regex syntax: position of backreference

[Bug 4151] [XQuery] XQTY0086 description is too limited

[Bug 4171] [UPD] Merging adjacent text nodes and node identity

[Bug 4172] [UPD] Attribute name clash

[Bug 4173] [UPD] Namespace binding clash

[Bug 4176] [UPD] Syntax "do rename ... as ..." problematic with tokenization

[Bug 4242] Static typing of name tests

[Bug 4271] [FS} Type checking () op Arg

[Bug 4272] [FS] Type checking fn:data

[Bug 4273] [FS] data on element()

[Bug 4285] [UPD] Replacing optional content

[Bug 4298] "minimum" mispelled

[Bug 4302] internalvar-1 and internalvar-2 evaluates an external variables

[Bug 4305] typeswitchhc12:

[Bug 4308] Constr-docnode-constrmod-4

[Bug 4309] fn-insert-before-mix-args-010 has invalid float value

[Bug 4310] fn-subsequence-mix-args-009, 011, 022 not aligned with latest spec

[Bug 4312] [UPD] Double deletion of a replaced node

[Bug 4312] [Update] Double deletion of a replaced node

[Bug 4313] [UPD] applyUpdates should delete empty text nodes

[Bug 4313] [Update] applyUpdates should delete empty text nodes

[Bug 4315] [XSLT] Whitespace stripping for attributes of type character

[Bug 4315] Whitespace stripping for attributes of type character

[Bug 4321] [XQuery] Importing the types used in the signature of an imported function

[Bug 4321] Importing the types used in the signature of an imported function

[Bug 4352] Typos in example schema

[Bug 4353] [XSLT+XQuery] Identity constraints at element level

[Bug 4354] [FT] 3.2.7 FTWildcardOptions

[Bug 4355] [FT] 3.3.7 FTDistance

[Bug 4356] [FT] 3.3.8 FTWindow

[Bug 4357] [FT] 3.3.9 FTTimes

[Bug 4358] [FT] 3.3.10 FTContent

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 07:38:46 UTC