Re: [XQuery] Computed Namespace Constructors (qt-2003Nov0292-01)


On 2003-11-24, in message

you commented on the confused semantics of computed namespace

I am responding to this comment on behalf of the XQuery Working group.

Firstly, thank you for the comment.

In fact, the working group was already aware that there were problems in
this area, and spent some time at its November meeting addressing the
issue. Unfortunately this was too late to affect the 12 November draft.
There was some debate as to whether the semantics should be purely
dynamic or purely static; as you pointed out it was clearly
unsatisfactory to have a mixture of the two. The WG decided on a static

The revised text agreed by the WG reads as follows. Computed namespace
constructors as a free-standing expression have disappeared, and the
syntax has merged into the computed element constructor, thus:

[102]   	CompElemConstructor	   ::= 
  	(("element" QName "{") | ("element" "{" Expr "}" "{"))
CompElemBody? "}"

[103]   	CompElemBody	   ::=   	
(CompElemNamespace | ExprSingle) ("," (CompElemNamespace | ExprSingle))*

[104]   	CompElemNamespace	   ::=  
 	"namespace" NCName? "{" StringLiteral "}"

The semantics are:

In a computed element constructor, the name expression is followed by
the body, which consists of zero or more local namespace declarations
(CompElemNamespace) followed an optional content expression
(ExprSingle). If more than one content expression is present, or if a
local namespace declaration follows the content expression, a static
error is raised.[err:XQ0042]

A local namespace declaration contains an optional namespace prefix and
a namespace URI expressed as a string literal. The namespace prefix, if
present, must be distinct from all other namespace prefixes declared
within the same computed element constructor.[err:XQ0043] If the
namespace prefix is present, it is bound to the given namespace URI and
added to the in-scope namespaces for the constructed element. If no
namespace prefix is present, the given namespace URI specifies the
default element/type namespace within the scope of the constructed
element. The use of local namespace declarations in a computed element
constructor is illustrated by the following example, in which the
default element/type namespace is set to and the
prefix space2 is bound to the namespace URI

element {$computed-name}
   namespace {""},
   namespace space2 {""},


Namespaces declared in a computed element constructor are treated the
same way as namespaces in a direct element constructor: they become
available in the static context, and they are copied when elements are
written to the result tree.

Note that by choosing a static interpretation, the WG made a conscious
decision not to provide any capability in XQuery 1.0 for dynamic
creation of namespaces in the result tree (i.e. namespaces whose URIs
are not known statically at the time the query is written).

I would be grateful if you could confirm that the revised text resolves
the issue you raised in your comment.


Michael Kay
for the XQuery working group
discharging action A-164-01

Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 17:45:39 UTC