Re: Inability of location steps to support multiple axes

> As you can plainly see from (
> the Xpath 2.0 specification does
> Not allow anything other than axis/node-test specifiers within a
> location step.

A StepExpr could be a FilterStep which in turn could be a PrimaryExpr
with empty Predicates etc ...

I wrote:
> The parse tree for that is a little bit lengthy, but basically you can
> reduce a StepExpr -> PrimaryExpr -> ParenthesizedExpr -> ...
> -> '(' OrExpr ')' -> ... (many steps using always the first non
> terminal) ... 
> -> '(' UnionExpr ')'
> -> ... -> '(' PathExpr '|' PathExpr ')'
> There you are!


|  ob|do        Dipl.Inf. Oliver Becker                             |
|  --+--        E-Mail:             |
|  op|qo        WWW: |

Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2003 08:04:56 UTC