XPath 2.0 little question on draft (`for' statement)

Hello XPath 2.0 Working Group,

In Section 3.7 of the XPath 2.0 draft of 22 August 2003 the following
example is included.

	for $a in distinct-values(//author)
	return ($a,
        	for $b in //book[author = $a]
        	return $b/title)

I think it can be replaced by the following sniplet.

	for $a in distinct-values(//author)
	return ($a, //book[author = $a]/title)

Is this correct? Why is chosen for the first version (if the second
version is correct) instead of the second? Thank you in advance,

	Bernard van Gastel
	- Student Computer Science,
		University of Nijmegen,
		The Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 10:56:25 UTC