Re: Request for Primer

At 02:45 PM 3/11/2003 -0500, wrote:

>It remains my view that an XQuery Primer produced by the XQuery WG would 
>be of benefit to the hopefully emerging XQuery community.
>I hope that in time you will come to agree with that view.

Hi Andrew,

I agree that it would be of benefit.

However, I also think that the editors need to be working on the core 
documents right now, and that the XQuery 1.0 document and the Use Cases 
already give people a reasonably approachable entry to the language, with 
lots of concrete examples. We need to get the standard done.

It's a question of where you allocate the effort. I don't think the Working 
Group's time should be taken up with a primer at this point. You will 
almost certainly see up-to-date tutorials when the language stops changing 
and the tutorials can be stable.


Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 15:21:03 UTC