Re: Use Cases (TREE-Q1): wrong solution

At 05:07 PM 3/6/2003 +0100, MW wrote:

>I have another shorter and correct TREE-Q1:
>define function toc($book as element) as element*
>         for $section in $book/section
>         return
>                 <section>
>                 { $section/@* , $section/title , toc($section) 
> }
>                 </section>
>{ toc(document("book.xml")/book) }

Hi Michael,

I took that solution, just changing $book to $book-or-section in the 
function. Your email does not contain your full name - if you want credit 
for this solution in the document, please let me know your complete name.

>Furthermore you can express TREE-Q6 similarly as:
>define function toc($book as element) as element*
>         for $section in $book/section
>         return
>                 <section>
>                 { $section/@* , $section/title }
>                         <figcount>
>                         { count($section/figure) }
>                         </figcount>
>                 { toc($section) }
>                 </section>
>{ toc(document("book.xml")/book) }

Received on Thursday, 6 March 2003 13:34:48 UTC