Re: [idea] cssdiff


I looked a bit at the Java countryside, there is not much too see (which 
seems natural given the history of that kind of tools).

> 1) a CSS parser. Ideally somewhat fault tolerant, at least tolerant to 
> a good number of typos

Not much to see outside of the W3's one.

> 2) your parser should be able to serialize what it parsed in a 
> normalized way. (whatever the normalization)

W3's one output a cleaned diff, but I can't remember if it's a 
normalized one (some people here know that for sure).

> 3) diff on the above. Voila!

GNU diff implemented in Java, GPL.

GPL as well

SyntEvo Sequence, BSD-like with attribution

> The highlighting

Highlighting in the (*ahem*) pre-proto CSS Validator GUI is done 
manually. One thing to mention is that there are no device-independant 
highlighter that I know of, most of them are targetted to HTML. So, if 
the output is HTML, and since highlighting is (almost) only interesting 
to people without visual disabilities, I think that the higlighting can 
be safely done in Javascript (like SHJS (GPL) ).

Damien B

Received on Monday, 9 February 2009 22:53:18 UTC