Fwd: Two validators

On the topic of multiple SGML/XML parsers.

Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> It's really not a great idea to
> keep trying to make openSP be a fully-compliant XML validator when
> there is a _tiny_ user/developer community for it in that role,
> compared to the huge amount of effort which is put into the top 3 or 4
> XML validators.  I would recommend rxp, since it's open source, fast,
> produces good error messages and is a Univ. of Edinburgh product owned
> and operated by Richard Tobin, member of the XML Core WG, but any of
> the validators which did well in Rusty Harold's conformance
> comparison, reported at XML Europe 2004, would do.


Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2004 03:51:02 UTC