[meeting] notes and log 2004-05-25

Here are my notes from yesterday's (2004-05-25) meeting.

Log is attached, as usual, and action items were edited at:

CSS Validator:

Discussing the most urgent bugs, as well as how/when to package and 
distribute the tool. olivier will take ownership of bugs (in bugzilla) 
and "dispatch" them as appropriate.

One targeted improvement will be the addition of error message 
explanations (from the FAQ - http://www.websitedev.de/css/validator-faq 
- and developed frm there). Yves will take care of the back end, Bjoern 
and olivier will take care of the content.


Discussion on (temporary?) solutions for the addition of the navigation 
bar. Links will go to the instance at v.w.o

Markup Validator:

     Icons: plenty of issues of transparency, color, missing icons. Need 
to regenerate many (all?). olivier will talk to Dom about that.

     Header-Footer: too big in PNG, and some browsers don't cache them. 
80k per page is way too much. Switching to jpeg.

     Malformed Multipart Post, error handling and 500 ErrorDoc: 
Multipart post problem does not seem easy to reproduce. We should 
probably contact L.Stein about it, and maybe try CGI.pm 3.05 (now 

The general question of how we handle fatal errors is another issue. 
Ville has a few patches to improve that. In some cases we want to be 
able to log much more than we are at the moment. Also, 500 Error Doc 
gives link the web-human, and webmaster not too happy about it (not to 
mention additional steps before we can contact whoever reports issues). 
We'll need to investigate how to improve that while not messing too 
much with CGI::Carp.

Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2004 02:57:43 UTC