Re: [check] Progress Towards Release...

On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 19:58, Terje Bless wrote:

> >How's about that sgml-lib separation from validator in CVS, any
> >news?
> IF QA doesn't want to take over the responsibility for a separate DTD
> collection, lets, for 0.7.0 onward, move the sgml-lib/ out of htdocs/ and
> up to the top-level $CVSROOT/validator/share/dtds/ or somesuch.


> >I'll take a better look at the release as well as my jobs before it this
> >evening.
> Cool. As soon as you close or reschedule the two bugs (#70 and #72, IIRC)

Will take a look right now.

> I'll tag the release in CVS and build tarballs so you can get started on
> the RPMs. BTW, weren't you supposed to check in the spec file? Or do we
> wait for 0.7.0 and the CVS reorg to do that?

The spec file will have to wait.  First, I need to see the tarballs
before creating the RPMs (chicken-egg-chicken...), and second, we
require (?) OpenSP 1.5 which will need some spanking to get RPM'd (it's
bundled with OpenJade currently on RH8 so both of them need to be
repackaged and watched closely in order to not break anything).

This doesn't mean that there wouldn't be RPMs of 0.6.0, I do intend to
roll 'em a bit later.

Terje, I'll ping you when I'm finished with my open bugz.

\/ille Skyttä
ville.skytta at

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 14:19:21 UTC