Re: [EPUB Roadmap] EPUB3 Justification call

Sorry I missed this.  Many of us live our days by our calendar systems, so if an event does not come thru as an ical (or such) event that posts to our day, we only see the email when we get to a ‘time to other check email now’ break.

If possible, it would be helpful to send meeting notices as a calendar event.


Date: Friday, June 22, 2018 at 11:24 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: [EPUB Roadmap] EPUB3 Justification call
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Friday, June 22, 2018 at 11:23 PM

The PBG EPUB Roadmap Task Force will have a call on Monday June 25th at 14UTC [1] to work on EPUB3 Justification.

Background: see the corresponding mail thread initiated by Liisa[2] and June 5th PBG call minutes[3].

Here is an agenda:

  *   Preparing a white paper to gather all justifications to move to EPUB3 and stop producing EPUB2

  *   Defining a "basic" profile of EPUB 3: impact (positive/negative) on low-end eInk readers

  *   Gathering all communications channels to push that white paper in any language
This effort has to be synchronized in proper time with EPUB3.2 and epubcheck new release announcement to maximize the effect.

Rick Wright offered to help on the white paper but any help is welcome.





Received on Monday, 25 June 2018 20:45:00 UTC