Re: [PWG] Widgets of W3C?

Not discussed.

In my understanding all of the W3C Widget specs are considered, in effect,
 dead ends as far as mainstream support as part of Open Web Platforrn is
concerned. There were a variety of issues including an Apple patent that
impeded browser implementations. Some stuff got implemented in a few places
such as Apache Cordova.

It is probably worth discussing  (perhaps in applicable subgroup(s)) at
least from cautionary perspective. .And perhaps also from tech salvage /
avoiding reinventing the wheel perspectives. But I would think not as vital
specs that we can directly build on.

Just my $.02, and I was never directly involved in that work , so I hope
others can chime in.


On Jun 24, 2017 12:03 AM, "MURATA Makoto" <> wrote:

I am wondering if W3C widgets were considered in the F2F.


Received on Saturday, 24 June 2017 13:55:20 UTC