from June 2017 by subject

[F2F] 2017-06-22 and 23 Agenda

[f2f] IRC channel for today

[PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)

[PWG] Widgets of W3C?

blog post about the F2F

Canceled: W3C PBG Meeting

Draft agenda for June 6, 2017 Publishing Business Group meeting

Draft agenda for June 6, 2017 Publishing Business Group meeting

draft overview - EPUB Test Grid options

EPUB for Education (EDUPUB) proposal

F2F followup and summer schedule

Face-to-face meeting June 22/23

Increasing the gap between web and publishing or unifying them?

ISO Time frame (was Re: Meeting minutes 2017-06-06)

Meeting minutes 2017-06-06

Meeting minutes of the 2nd F2F Day, 2017-06-23

Member list of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34

Minutes of the first F2F meeting, 2016-06-22

naming contest for WP

PBG update on ISO and Accessibility

Problems with webex, use my personal room (see below)

PROPOSAL: scope of Web Publications spec should be minimized

Publishing Business Group Call today CANCELLED

RE : naming contest for WP

registering for TPAC and Publishing Summit

Regrets - Re: [PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)

Regrets -- RE: [PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)

Regrets for Monday

Regrets, but curious to know which browser vendor attended the F2F (was Re: [PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)

Regrets- RE: Draft agenda for June 6, 2017 Publishing Business Group meeting

Summit registration is open--call for proposals

The WebEx dial data have changed!

TPAC 2017 registration now open

Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2017 12:30:29 UTC