Re: Summit registration is open--call for proposals

Le 16/06/2017 à 15:01, Bill Kasdorf a écrit :

> That happened with STM a few years ago, when they decided to make
> speakers pay. Speakers were so angry that STM backed down. But SSP and
> AAUP have no problem getting members to speak despite having to pay.
> That's because it's such a longstanding policy and everybody knows what
> the deal is. _Changing_ the deal is what upsets people the most. Since
> this is year one, we need to be careful to get it right. My
> recommendation: comp speakers for the Summit; pay to attend TPAC even on
> the day they speak. They're two separate events. 

They're so separate we have to make a choice: the Publishing Summit _OR_
the extra Working Group meetings that do matter to Publishing. Given the
financial cost, I'm not even sure - for the first time in W3C's 20+
years history - to attend the Plenary Meeting this time. But if I do, my
highest priority as a contributor to Standards will clearly be WGs
over the Publishing Summit.

Next point, I'm pretty sure many people will switch all the time between
WG meetings and the Summit during the two days. Because TPAC attendes
are there for STANDARDS, after all. Having to pay on both sides is
extremely annoying (to remain polite) in particular when this Summit
is a, I quote, **W3C** Publishing Summit.

Such a weird decision to make TPAC and that Publishing gathering
conflict. As if we, contributors to Web Standards, were making
our recurrent Developer Meetups conflict with WG meetings...
Never happened, will never happen.


Received on Friday, 16 June 2017 13:39:39 UTC