Re: TPAC Participation

Hi Garth,

These questions should be raised within the next PBG calls. I agree it is very important and I associate to this the questions that Liisa raised also for the PBG agenda. I don’t know if they were discussed on last call.

On TPAC attendance for PBG members, how can we know? Ivan, is there a list of TPAC attendees that we could use to compare ?

On the same lists subjects, shouldn’t we receive a list of IDPF TPI registered from W3C management?

Not far from the beach in Guernsey,

Le 28 août 2018 à 16:18, Garth Conboy <<>> a écrit :

Hi Liisa, Luc, and Publishing BG SC Folks,

The Web Publishing WG is meeting Monday and Tuesday @ TPAC.

We have a tentative agenda item of:

Business Group Feedback - grounded in use cases, requirements

Tzviya, Ivan and I feel it is very important to have this be a successful working session, to receive and discuss input and desired directions from the BG to the WG.

Is there a good understanding of BG attendance at TPAC? How best should this session be promoted with an expectation of substantive feedback?


Received on Saturday, 1 September 2018 13:48:35 UTC