Re: SC meeting

Sorry likely regrets, EDRLab assembly starting at 5 Italian time



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Da: Ivan Herman <>
Data: martedì 13 giugno 2017 06:25
A: Rick <>
Cc: W3C Publishing Steering Committee <>
Oggetto: Re: SC meeting
Rinviato da: <>
Data rinvio: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 04:25:43 +0000

On the logistics: the WebEx problem on the Publishing BG affects this call as well, because the steering committee shares the WebEx entry with the BG. Please, look at

for the details of the new meeting code and Web access address!


On 12 Jun 2017, at 23:27, Johnson, Rick <<>> wrote:

Steering Committee,

We are on for the meeting tomorrow, usual time (noon eastern).

No formal agenda, but lots to discuss.

I have no doubt we will fill the time!

Participation will be on the #pbgsc IRC channel at

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4. Click "Join".

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Ivan Herman, W3C
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead

mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2017 09:35:14 UTC